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An Ageing Immunity and Gut Microbiota Disruption Lead to an Increase in Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders.

Ageing, inevitable and multifactorial, disrupts and dysregulates the gut microbiota, the immune system and the delicate balance of the inflammatory state. Targeting and preventing the dysregulation of the microbiota may be a novel treatment method for certain autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety, and specific neurodegenerative diseases.

Novel Drug Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease, a Future Hope.

Currently, there are no drugs that can cure dementia and only limited medications that can temporarily improve cognition symptoms. The goals of Alzheimer’s drugs are to prevent neuron cell death, remove Aβ proteins or aggregations, prevent neurofibrillary tangles, increase synaptic communication and interactions, and finally reduce metal ions, radicals and reactive oxygen species.

The Significance of Subject Wellbeing and How It Is Connected to Social-Economic Determinants of Health.

I gave a presentation about the relationship of subject wellbeing, a scientific word for happiness, and the health of individuals. I then researched how high or low their subject wellbeing was and compared to their social-economic determinants of health which was very interesting and new to me. Health is essentially connected to happiness!